Monday, August 15, 2011

New on the Blogging Block

   It occurred to me, a while back, that almost everyone on the planet had a blog but me.  Friends, family and complete strangers were all online sharing their thoughts, stories, projects, recipes, crafts - - their lives. I felt out, REALLY out, of the loop.
   So, I decided I would eventually, one day be up to the whole process of blogging. But first, I had to figure out what exactly it was that I wanted to say. You see, I like to do lots of little & different things - I don't have just one main thing to feature. I'm a "dabbler". I must say I'm pretty good at what I dabble in. But sometimes it feels as if I'm a little unfocused. I just can't do one thing, all the time, or else I get a little bored or very overwhelmed. Either scenario causes me to stop and not continue, at least for a while.
   After months of pondering blogs and topics and time committment, I finally decided! It was one of those serendipitous moments where, when I stopped thinking and focusing, it all sort of fell into place!!!
   I'm not going to get into the whole story right now. (I'll leave that for my next post.) However, I will tell you it all fell into place with an old friend, Facebook, clams, cooking, music, linguine,thinking about my grandfather, my husband, and a little specialty store I visited on a whim. Try to put all those together and see what kind of story you get... :) 

   Talk to you soon!